
  • Feasibility study
  • Conceptual design
  • Front End Engineering Design (FEED)
  • Basic and detailed engineering of oil, gas, petrochemical and marine projects


  • All project materials including long lead items, tagged items, bulk materials, etc.


  • Construction of offshore and onshore structures such as oil platforms
  • Subsea pipelines coating (anti-corrosion and concrete weight coating)
  • Fabrication of storage tanks and vessels
  • Construction of floating structures (ships, pontoons, jack-up drilling rigs, etc.)


  • Offshore transportation and installation of oil platforms (jacket and topside)
  • Cable and pipe laying in offshore and onshore region
  • Salvaging – Reserving

NSQ uses the following fleet for offshore installation:

  • Sadaf 3000: Seagoing Floating Sheerleg’s Crane Pull Barge
  • Sadaf Poshtiban: Offshore Support Ship-Crew/ Utility & Supply Ship
  • LB 90: Launch Barge
  • Ofogh 1: Accommodation/ Crane Barge
  • Ofogh 2: Anchor Handling/Tug Supply Vessel
  • PCLV 75: Pipe Cable Laying Vessel
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